Always one step ahead!

Some people adopt a job as it is and do not deviate from the classical path. I could never be one of those people. After I start spending time in a field I like, I start thinking about how I can do this job differently. 

There is no word unsaid, no deed undone.

 I think and research and eventually find it. As I mentioned before, I started calligraphy the way everyone else starts. But I’m trying to take this a few steps further. I noticed this new style of calligraffiti, which combines calligraphy and graffiti, when I first came to Switzerland years ago, but I postponed this issue when other issues came up that needed attention. Until a few months ago, that is.

 I would like to share with you my first drawing in which I tried this new method. I like this style and I think I will continue with this style for a while until I switch to a new style.