Is Photography Always Just A Moment?

Is Photography Always Just A Moment?

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It is a complete mistake to think that photography is just a moment when we press the shutter button. Sometimes there may be shootings that last for numbers, minutes or even hours. 

You are not expected to know this. In fact, it is very enjoyable to see the surprise on the faces of new learners when the subject is mentioned in a conversation.

In this type of photography, whose technical name is long exposure, the photograph is completed not at once but over a period of time. So what’s the use of this? The camera records all light movements in the frame and produces results you cannot predict.

When you take a photo of a lake quickly, the lake surface looks rough, but in the photo taken with this method, the lake surface looks smooth. This method is most commonly used near seas and lakes, in river photography and when taking star photographs.

I would like to share with you 2 photos I took with this method today. These photographs emerged after a long exposure.

With this style, you can push your imagination to the fullest and create photographs whose results you wouldn’t even believe. However, be careful, as your exposure time increases in places such as waterfalls, what flows will resemble milk, not water.