Recording a Video for Powercoders

Recording a Video for Powercoders

The Process of Preparing a Painting

There have been new developments in my new life lately. Maybe I need to write a more detailed article, but for now I’m just here with one of the most enjoyable moments of this process.

I attended the powercoders bootcamp, which has been an invaluable support to many people to achieve their dreams. During a period called testing month, we were asked to introduce something we enjoy doing with a 3-minute video.

Of course, I immediately tried to record calligraphy, which I have enjoyed doing very much lately. To be honest, it is much more fun to just practice the hobby without making videos. However, I had the opportunity to record a part of my life with video. This must be the purpose of such missions. Even though it was challenging, it was very enjoyable. I hope you have fun too.