The Photo of My Life’s Turning Point…

The Photo of My Life’s Turning Point…

The photo of my life's turning point

Photography is a common hobby in Türkiye. When there are hundreds of places to visit and see in every corner, people cannot remain indifferent. Competitions also have an important place in the photography community. Generally, a centralized competition is held and photographers from all over the country send their favorite photographs from their archives. Of course, this type of competition does not seem very advantageous for those who are new to photography. 

A different type of competition is the photomarathon. The feature of this competition is that all photographers who want to do so within a certain date range (for example, a weekend) come to the place where the competition will be held and take and submit their photographs only within the specified time period. This of course also gives an opportunity to amateur photographers.

Freedom - 15.07.2016

This photo was taken within the borders of a beautiful municipality called Akcaabat in Trabzon, Turkey. The competition date was 14-16 July. The year is 2016. This date may seem familiar. 

While I was taking photographs with all my enthusiasm, events resembling the Reichstag Fire began to occur in my country on the same day. What a coincidence that I named this photograph freedom and sent it to the competition committee. I learned much later that this photograph of mine was deemed worthy of an award. 

However, neither I could receive this award nor my life could be the same. This photograph took its place on the dusty shelves of history.